A Thirty Day Devotional
Women today wear many hats which bring manifold pressures.
Among other titles we carry are wives, mothers, chauffeurs, employees,
employers, teachers, coaches, caregivers, and friends.
An identity crisis may result – even for Christian women - when a hat is suddenly snatched away. Removal of any may become a stressor. Life has any number of inflection points, events that disrupt our sense of continuity and well-being. Events such as divorce, miscarriage, death of a child or spouse, or loss of a close confident stress us. This devotional does not provide a magical panacea to cure our feelings of inadequacy, abandonment, or alienation. Rather, it is a compendium of real-life experiences of Christian women like you who come alongside to share their stories of victory based on sound biblical principles.
To learn more and purchase, please visit:
Encouragement For Your Identity: A Thirty Day Devotional By Women For Women

A 30 Day Devotional by Women for Women
Moms today are challenged more than ever before. There is more to do and what seems like less time to do it. Caring for a husband, children, and the home has always been a full-time job. But now our schedules are crowded with work, social media, school board meetings, running our kiddos to and from competing sporting events, soccer for one child and baseball practice for another, all the while making sure that they get their homework done. It’s no wonder so many of us mothers are fully frazzled! Being a mom is a tough job, and it’s even tougher for single mothers and stepmoms. While the challenges you face are big, they’re not bigger than our Heavenly Father, as many stories in this volume describe. The authors discuss a plethora of predicaments they’ve faced and overcome as they found answers and even solace in God’s Word. No doubt, the lessons they’ve learned will be a help to you!
To learn more and purchase, please visit:
Encouragement For Motherhood: A 30 Day Devotional by Women for Women
A 35 Day Devotional for Girls
Growing into a young woman is not for the faint of heart, as you very
well know. Do you have self-doubts? We all do, especially when we’re young.
We worry that we’re too tall or too short, too skinny or too heavy, too dumb or too smart, too friendly or not friendly enough. And we sometimes have “friends” who encourage us to have these self-doubts. The authors of this book look back to their youth and share their stories of victory and defeat. The choices you make now as a young woman, and later as a teen, will likely affect the adult woman you become. You can make choices that lead to a full, Christ-centered life; or you can make choices that lead to a life filled with disappointments and failures. Choose wisely.
To learn more and purchase, please visit:
Encouragement For Little Women: A 35 Day Devotional for Girls

A Six Week Bible Study
Join us, Encouragement from Women, in the first of a series of studies designed especially for women. This six-week Bible study, complete with video lessons from experienced group leaders, can be used individually, with a friend, or in a women's study group large or small. These impactful lessons include the heartaches and victories of Hannah, the disenfranchised Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, and the fear of the Syrophoenician mother whose daughter was demon-possessed. You'll come to know the determination and dedication of Lazarus' sisters Mary and Martha, and you will see the effects the Savior had on other women of the Bible when they encountered Him. Through the lives of these women, we can know there is true encouragement in the Word of God. Study with us, and bring a friend, as we glean from these encouraging women of the Bible. You'll be glad you did!
To learn more and purchase, please visit:
Encouraging Women of the Bible: A Six Week Bible Study
Encouraging Women of the Bible: Sessions Videos
Devotional Books
How would you like having encouragement from over 30 women at your fingertips?
That’s exactly what these devotional books offer!

A Thirty Day Devotional By Women For Women
Virtually all devotionals for Christian women are rife with scriptural citations. The author generally provides a contextual exegesis for the relevant passages. Most often these daily readings involve examining the lives of biblical heroines, strong women like Deborah, Sarah, and Ruth. But there are lessons to be learned, too, from the lives of more boorish women such as Miriam, Jezebel, and Job’s unnamed wife. It reveals their successes and failures, their high points and their lows so that through their victories you may find inspiration and encouragement to continue your walk with Jesus and even grow closer to Him through your personal challenges.
To learn more and purchase, please visit:
Encouragement For Women: A Thirty Day Devotional By Women For Women

A Six Week Bible Study
Join us, Encouragement from Women, in the second of a series of studies designed
especially for women. this six-week Bible Study, complete with video lessons from
experienced group leaders, can be used individually, with a friend, or in a women's study group large or small.
These impactful lessons include the rejection and redemption of Ruth, the brokenness and beauty of Rahab, and the faithfulness of the shepherds welcoming the birth of our Savior. You'll come to know the the Shunammite woman that housed the prophet Elisha as well as the infamous Mary the Mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Through the lives of these women, we can know there is true encouragement in the Word of God. Study with us, and bring a friend, as we glean from these encouraging women of the Bible. You'll be glad you did!
To learn more and purchase, please visit:
Encouraging Women of the Bible Volume 2: A Six Week Bible Study
Encouraging Women of the Bible Volume 2: Sessions Videos

A Ten Week Bible Study in Galatians
These impactful lessons include an overview of Galatians and what prompted Paul to write such a direct letter. It also includes studies of each of the 9 attributes of the fruit of the Spirit. You may have heard of the fruit of the Spirit many times before, but why did Paul feel the need to address this and what does it actually mean? Why is “fruit” singular, yet it has many attributes listed? What do words like “meekness” or “temperance” really mean? Does God expect us to display each attribute, or can we be better at one than another?
To learn more and purchase, please visit:
The Fruit of the Spirit: A Ten Week Bible Study in Galatians
The Fruit of the Spirit: Sessions Videos