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Michelle Ghanayem Kunselman

When My Needs Aren’t Met

Acts 20:35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.


I was thinking earlier today about how I felt after my Mom died especially after I had three little ones via c sections. I had a little “whoa is me syndrome” for a few years feeling all alone...waiting and praying for someone to come along side me to encourage and help this overwhelmed Mama.

I had a little resentment for a few years thinking, “Can’t my church see I’m hurting here?!” Then one day I realized, the Church isn’t here to serve me. I’m here to be a servant.

Over the next few weeks I felt my burdens begin to lift as God gave me opportunities to serve. My situation hasn’t really changed all that much, but my burdens sure do feel lighter even though I technically have a whole lot more on my plate then I did in my “whoa is me years.”

May I encourage my fellow sisters in Christ, if you feel like your church isn’t “meeting your needs.” Consider meeting the needs of someone else or ministry in your church. Your needs may seem a little smaller when you look around.

You will find, like I did, that God is the great provider and will be the best friend, helper, strength and comfort you could ever have!”

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