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Charity Berkey

Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

By,  Charity Berkey

"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;

and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly,

and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

Micah 6:8

It had gotten late, but they were still deep in the trenches of debate. Each pastor would share their opinion on the matter, back it up with Scripture, quote highly respected theologians and scholars, this went on for hours. They were discussing the age old debate of Bible pastor put an end to it all.

He started, “My favorite version of the Bible is my mother’s version.”

The other pastors sneered, “Oh really? I didn’t realize your mother was that scholarly and that she had her own version of the Bible.”

“Indeed she did!” Responded the wise old man, “My mother lived out the Bible like no other person I’d ever known. And it was the very best version of the Bible I’ve ever seen!”

Isn’t that what we desire to be as Christians? A living, breathing, walking Bible? An example of Jesus Christ to our families, our neighbors, our world?

It has been said that you and I may be the only Bible someone ever reads. What are people reading when they see us? (2 Corinthians 3:2, Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.)

In today’s passage the prophet Micah reminds the children of Israel that God is simply looking for His people to do a few things with their lives:

1. “Do justly” = do what’s right.

2. “Love mercy” = show and receive mercy

3. “Walk humbly with thy God” = Have an authentic walk with God that lifts up the name of Jehovah God.

You can’t have one of these without the other. How do we know what is right to do? We need to regularly walk with Jesus.

How do we live a life filled with mercy? We allow the Holy Spirit to empower us by regularly walking with the Savior. By His grace we can stop being so quick to expose everyone else’s sin since He has been so merciful in covering ours. Sin needs confronted and dealt with by our merciful God, we can be the one that God uses to show that mercy.

Let’s be the best version of the Bible that someone reads today! Let’s be that example to those little ones in our homes who can’t read the Scriptures yet or to the one we meet at the market who may never crack open a Bible.

Today, let’s show mercy to those who live beside us, let us do right to the spouse that the Lord has entrusted with us. Let’s walk humbly with our God!


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