By, Â Â Hannah Sievers
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. "
Genesis 2:7
The day I had my lung collapse, I was in a small town hospital and due to malpractice they worsened my condition instead of re inflating my lung. I turned white as a ghost, almost greenish and was bleeding internally all night, several mishaps happened including the nurse physically putting on an oxygen mask over my face but forgetting to actually turn the oxygen ON...which wasn't discovered until the next morning. How I survived the night without oxygen on one lung is a mystery to me! Only God kept me alive that night. For that I am forever changed...
I recently read an article about how when God created Adam and formed him out of the dust of the ground, the last thing he did was breath into Adam's nostrils the very breath of life.
According to Hebrew Bible Scholars, the very words YH and WH are transliterations or what we in English would call onomatopoeia where we spell words in such a way to mimic the actual sounds they make in real life. Words in our English Language such as "Crack, Pop, Fizz, Plop" simply phonetically describe the sounds we hear around us.
Abraham was directly called by God but he tried to resist God and make excuses. Once he asked God, What is your name? Whom shall I call you as when I tell the people of you? God answered profoundly that He was YHWH or the Great "I am" We as English speakers try to take the word YHWH which is all consonants and add vowels so we can pronounce the word as we like to see it as Yahweh, but in doing so, we lost the original intent and deep origin of the onomatopoeia of breathing in a YH and breathing out as WH. if you look online and do your own research as I did. You will find songs and articles and research that back up this concept.

What does this mean to you? Well, if the very name of God is on our lips as we as humans breath in and out, that means that we are speaking God's name over and over. He, our YHWH who is the very giver of breath, who allows us to breath, and knows the number of our breaths is pleased when we use our breath for the greater good. Not using our breath to say negative things to others, but in every breath to Praise Him. This is something I am convicted about personally as I write this very devotion.
Also, those who deny Christ, who claim to be atheists, are also saying God's name over and over when they breathe. Gods moral compass is still written on their hearts, and they feel empty and lost inside when they deny their Creator.
My friend Charity in a voice message told me something that really stuck in my mind the other day. She said that someday we will get to heaven and realize that what we think we know about God is probably a tiny percentage of everything God is. When we get to heaven, all the things that confounded us on this earth will make more sense and all the pain, trials and suffering that we endured will be revealed as something we did for the greater good of mankind and to further the gospel.
This is just one tiny nugget or facet of God with probably an infinite number of discoveries yet to be uncovered in our pursuit of our Creator!