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Writer's pictureCharity Berkey

What Will You Do Today?

By Charity Berkey

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:9‬ ‭

Today I will workout, study the Bible, pray, homeschool my kids, wash dirty dishes, put away clean laundry, breakup childish arguments, kiss ouchies, post encouraging thoughts from God’s Word...I’ll be doing my normal everyday, mundane routine.

But when we allow Him, Jesus joins us in the mundane.

This does not mean I’m sticking my head in the sand, ignoring legitimate issues our nation and the world are facing.

It means that I don’t ever have to wonder what to do, I know I can always just do the next right thing. Knowing that the next right thing is part of building His Kingdom and holds eternal value.

Instead of allowing bitterness to breed, anger to infiltrate or depression to overcome me, I can do something profitable for God’s kingdom by doing the next right thing. Something as small as reading to my son, playing dress up with my daughter or praying with all of them before bed, all of this can and should be Kingdom work.

The Kingdom of Heaven is grown through the daily mundane tasks of life, shining Jesus to those who are closest to you.

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